You are a Chief Digital Officer

Speed up your digital transformation and grow your business with new robust applications for your customers or team.
Vertigo is made for real-world projects and products. It is built from the ground up with security and performance in mind. Its main targets are core business applications : just rely on it and focus on your business to make it stronger.
Vertigo combines reliability and innovation.
Start quickly and grow fast
With Vertigo, your team can start working on your project within minutes. They have everything they need to build your MVP. Because anything built with Vertigo is made to last, you're good to go and add more and more features.
You are ready for production from Day 1.
High-quality standards
Far too many business applications fail to meet the quality level users expect. Vertigo is thoroughly tested, uses and promotes defensive code to ensure that everything is always working properly.
Business requirements oriented
Vertigo is designed for core business applications. Even if it is possible to build any kind of software with Vertigo, it's in that very field that it shows all its power : providing you with a reliable application to address your business challenges.
On-Premise / SaaS / Cloud: your choice
Because we know that deploying an application into production depends on many factors, Vertigo always offers options to deal with your requirements.
Do you want to take advantage of public cloud solutions? No problem: Vertigo only relies on standard tools readily available from any major cloud provider.
Do you need to enforce complete data privacy or comply with specific security constraints? No problem: everything Vertigo relies on can be self-hosted.
You are a Developper
Value your time and developper skills
Tired of always doing the same tasks on every project? We think that, as a developper, you could use your skills more efficiently. The real challenge of an application is not about wiring software stacks, it's about finding the best way to use the amazing power of digital to make your app awesome! The ecosystem of digital products is growing fast, so don't lose time and unleash your creativity with Vertigo.

Open Source
Because we want you to learn, use, and collaborate with the platform, we made it available under the Apache 2.0 Licence. All source code is available on Github and we welcome every pull request!
Ready to use
To easily start your project, you have at disposal : a choice of starter kits, the vertigo-university providing thematic tutorials, a lot of documentation and of course many production ready extensions and connectors!
Vertigo's modularity is one of its strengths. With Vertigo, creating your own modules and connectors is so easy. You can also choose from the many extensions we've built for you and bundle them in your app to address your needs.
When you build an application with Vertigo, you get more time to test and bring innovation in your project such as incorporating AI, RPA, VR, IoT and more... Using Vertigo in your project also allows you to take advantage of built-in innovations and of the future ones we are building for the community!

Our convictions
Building better digital products faster: it's possible!
Mainstream or standard technologies provide great services, but their versatility prevents them from being efficient in all areas, which is why we have created a solution dedicated to accelerate the digital transformation of companies and public organizations.
Innovation and real projects should not live separately. That's why we built Vertigo to be both an application development platform and a platform that supports real-world, use-case based innovation. By making this choice, we streamline and control the passage of technological innovations into production so that they express their full potential at your service.
We have simplicity, precision and a taste for work well done in our DNA. The quality of a software is not measured by the number of lines of code but by the clarity of its APIs, which must be readable and understandable. This is why we spend a lot of time in design, the code being only the transposition of a well-posed problem. These efforts allow us to make your application evolve over time in a moving technological ecosystem thanks to our stable over time APIs.
Start Now
- To show you how Vertigo can help your business, we organize "tours" of the plateform.
- Let's travel on Mars and discover the MMC (Mars Mining Corp), an imaginary company that took advantage of Vertigo in 2084!
- To start learning Vertigo, the best place is Vertigo's University with all its samples and exercises
- If you have any trouble, we are available on discord to help you!
- To start building an app, you can use the vertigo-starters maven archetypes
- We recommend you follow the getting started tutorial in the documentation to get a first look at Vertigo!
Try it now!
We've built a demo application that helps you discover what you can build with Vertigo.
The demo application is also Open Source, so you can have a look under the hood and see how it works!
Vertigo built-in features
Vertigo-core is an ultra-light framework providing everything you need to configure, run and monitor an app.
Vertigo Extensions are modules that provide high level and homogeneous APIs to solve common tasks... and even complex ones.
Vertigo connectors are low-level bridges to external products and libraries. They offer the native client
With the Chatbot Factory designer app, creating a chatbot and extending it to help your users is super easy! Make the leap of conversational user interfaces.
This demo app guides you through our tour. It's kind of a show home for business appplications!
Vertigo Studio is the tool we have created to help developers. It provides useful tools and insights to monitor your app and improve your code.
A collection of sample projects that covers the main aspects of an application. These samples are exercises to guide you step by step!
A set of skeleton projects and maven archetypes to help you start a new Vertigo project within minutes
They trust us


Philippe Chretien
Core Developer
Matthieu Laroche
Core Developer
Nicolas Piedeloup
Core Developer
Steven Kerdudou
Chatbot Expert
David Szniten
Cybersecurity Expert
Xavier Durand
DevOps ExpertFrequently Asked Questions
Do you offer free support?
If you need help, the best thing to do is to reach us on our discord server. Otherwise we welcome all pull requests and take care of fixing the issues reported on Github.
Do you offer premium support?
Of course. If you need premium support, contact us at
What's your release plan?
We generally release two major versions each year. We always make sure that migration from one version to the next takes less than two days. A version update also comes with updates for all dependencies, to always keep your project on top. If critical bugs are found, we release minor versions to fix them.
I want to help. How can I do?
Come share your ideas with us! The best place to do that is the discord server. In here we can really interact with you and make Vertigo even better!
Where are you from?
We live and work in France, in the area of Paris, come say hello if you want! If you're not nearby reach us on discord!